Women in Discipleship (sm)
Women in Discipleship (sm)

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Do you need encouragement or prayer today? Well, Women in Discipleship desires to offer you encouragement weekly, if not daily. Here is the "place to be" for encouragement.


You have Three Choices today:

  1. Our Newsletter is updated regularly. It shares about upcoming events of the ministry and announces new Bible Studies and discipleship opportunities.
  2. Our Weekly e-mail devotionals have a yearly theme and can be used to jump start you daily quiet time. The prayer requests will help you to stay connected to us. We would love to pray for you, too. You can e-mail your requests to SandyDavisWID@earthlink.net
  3. Missionary News keeps you informed about what is going on with the Missionaries we support and encourage all over the world. We hear from women in Guinea, West Africa, Papua New Guinea, Bolivia, Venezuela, and China. They ask for prayer and desire fellowship…Won’t you join us in offering them encouragement? You can read their prayer requests and pray or send them an encouraging e-mail.

PO Box 694, Goldenrod, FL 32733

phone:  (407) 325-2986


© 2004-2025 Women in Discipleship, Inc. (sm) All rights reserved.

e-mail us  SandyDavisWID@earthlink.net  |  privacy policy  |  site map

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