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Walk of Grace
GRACE - Week 1
  • Day 1 (Monday)
  • Day 2 (Tuesday)
  • Day 3 (Wednesday)
  • Day 4 (Thursday)
  • Day 5 (Friday)
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    Have you ever thought deeply about the true meaning of grace?

    As a Christian woman living in society today, I wonder what this word really means to the believer in Jesus Christ. As I discover the depths of meaning in this word, I can honestly say that the wonder, beauty, majesty, and marvel of grace can only be summed up in one word -- JESUS. Even as I experience a new and deeper meaning of grace, I realize I've only begun to drink from the vast ocean of this marvelous gift of God to me.

    There are many religions in the world today. There are also many denominations in what is considered Christianity. Of all the Christian denominations, only a minority actually teach and preach the truth of God's grace. As you study grace in Scripture, you'll begin to know the one true God and His gift of salvation in Jesus Christ. This word, "grace," opens up a whole new world of what my "spiritual service of worship" really means. (Rom. 12:1)

    In this study, it is my prayer that you will grasp the incredible loveliness of God's amazing grace, given freely to anyone who calls on the name of Jesus. Grace for us came at a great cost to Christ Jesus, but it is poured out abundantly to anyone who sincerely calls upon Christ for salvation. I pray that you will consider the deep ocean of God's amazing love, mercy, and grace to you, and that in so doing you will live a life of worship to Him.

    In each day's lesson, there are suggested songs for you to sing to enhance your worship time. Most of them can be found in any Hymnal or praise book. I have used The Hymnal for Worship & Celebration and Come & Worship (see Bibliography for details). If you don't know some of the songs, feel free to use ones you do know. The important thing is to focus on God and His truth as you take time to worship Him.


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