Women in Discipleship (sm)
Women in Discipleship (sm)

meeting weekly

studying God’s Word daily

praying continually

sharing wholeheartedly

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Compassionate Hearts
Gifts To The Ministry
Prayer Requests

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Opportunities:  Ways to serve and be served


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Opportunities:  Ways to serve and be served
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Women in Discipleship is a team ministry. We rely on your help, involvement, and prayers.


Here are some ways that you can participate with us in ministry:

  1. Pray for us
  2. Give financially as God leads
  3. Volunteer with Compassionate Hearts ministry
  4. Donate items for the food pantry and/or gift bags
  5. Connect people with WinD for discipleship
  6. Contribute toward a permanent WinD facility

PO Box 694, Goldenrod, FL 32733

phone:  (407) 325-2986


© 2004-2025 Women in Discipleship, Inc. (sm) All rights reserved.

e-mail us  SandyDavisWID@earthlink.net  |  privacy policy  |  site map

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